Personalized Solutions for Your Skin Type and Concern

1. Skin Type Categories

Normal Skin

  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Red light + Yellow light + Cyan light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use red light three times per week to maintain skin firmness and promote collagen production.
      • Week 3: Add yellow light twice per week to enhance skin elasticity.
      • Week 4: Use cyan light once per week to soothe and balance the skin.

Dry Skin

  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Red light + Yellow light + Cyan light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use red light three times per week to boost hydration and reduce dryness.
      • Week 3: Add yellow light twice per week to improve elasticity and skin texture.
      • Week 4: Use cyan light once per week to calm and hydrate the skin.

Oily Skin

  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Blue light + Green light + Cyan light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use blue light three times per week to control oil production and reduce acne.
      • Week 3: Add green light twice per week to balance skin tone and reduce redness.
      • Week 4: Use cyan light once per week to further soothe and balance the skin.

Combination Skin

  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Blue light + Green light + Red light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use blue light three times per week to treat oily areas and prevent breakouts.
      • Week 3: Add green light twice per week to even out the skin tone.
      • Week 4: Use red light once per week to boost collagen and improve overall skin texture.

Sensitive Skin

  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Cyan light + Green light + Yellow light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use cyan light three times per week to calm and reduce skin sensitivity.
      • Week 3: Add green light twice per week to even out skin tone and reduce redness.
      • Week 4: Use yellow light once per week to improve elasticity and calm the skin further.

2. Primary Skin Concerns


  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Blue light + Red light + Green light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use blue light three times per week to reduce acne-causing bacteria.
      • Week 3: Add red light twice per week to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
      • Week 4: Use green light once per week to balance skin tone and reduce redness.


  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Red light + Yellow light + White light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use red light three times per week to boost collagen production and reduce fine lines.
      • Week 3: Add yellow light twice per week to improve skin elasticity.
      • Week 4: Use white light once per week to promote skin renewal and reduce signs of aging.


  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Red light + Yellow light + Cyan light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use red light three times per week to stimulate collagen production.
      • Week 3: Add yellow light twice per week to enhance skin elasticity.
      • Week 4: Use cyan light once per week to soothe the skin and smooth wrinkles.

Dark Circles

  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Red light + Cyan light + Yellow light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use red light three times per week to improve circulation and reduce puffiness.
      • Week 3: Add cyan light twice per week to calm the skin and reduce discoloration.
      • Week 4: Use yellow light once per week to brighten the under-eye area.


  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Green light + Cyan light + Red light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use green light three times per week to calm irritation and reduce redness.
      • Week 3: Add cyan light twice per week to further soothe the skin.
      • Week 4: Use red light once per week to promote healing and improve skin texture.


  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Green light + White light + Red light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use green light three times per week to even out skin tone.
      • Week 3: Add white light twice per week to reduce dark spots and promote skin renewal.
      • Week 4: Use red light once per week to boost collagen and improve skin texture.


  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Cyan light + Green light + Yellow light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use cyan light three times per week to calm the skin and reduce redness.
      • Week 3: Add green light twice per week to even out skin tone and reduce sensitivity.
      • Week 4: Use yellow light once per week to improve elasticity and further calm the skin.


  • Recommendation:
    • Lights: Red light + Yellow light + Cyan light
    • Guide:
      • Week 1-2: Use red light three times per week to boost hydration.
      • Week 3: Add yellow light twice per week to improve elasticity and reduce dryness.
      • Week 4: Use cyan light once per week to calm and hydrate the skin.


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Nominerad 2024

Vi är så glada att vi blev nominerad för Bästa Mask 2024 på Stockholm Beauty week Award på Hamburger Börs i Stockholm.

Stockhom Beauty Week


I väntrummen

Vi finns med i den 3:e upplagan av Dagens Etsetik som är en av Sveriges ledande tidningar inom Skönhet och Estetik. Den skickas ut till alla Skönhetskliniker och Frisörsalonger runt om i Sverige.

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Vi hade en Pop Up i den underbara butiken Depart.A.Mental på våning 2 i Mall of Scandinavia, Skandinaviens största Shoppingcentrum. Stay tuned - vin kanske kommer tillbaka!


LED to boost confidence

Scandinavian MIND

När SISÓNE LED-Mask lanserades i maj 2024 skrev Scandinavian MIND om oss och vår innovativa produkt.

Tidningen är en plattform som utforskar mötet mellan livsstil och teknologi. De lyfter fram människor, projekt och produkter som bidrar till positiv förändring, med fokus på innovation, hållbarhet och social rättvisa. Med ett globalt perspektiv och en nordisk synvinkel inspirerar de tidiga trendsättare och branschinsiders världen över.

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